blah blog cure!

What freakin' beautiful weather we had in Charlotte this weekend!!!  I hope you got out and enjoyed it.  I am so excited for spring now.:)

Anyway, a few weeks ago I was complaining about my blogging and finding cool pics for my blog.  Well, a dear friend of mine who also writes an AWESOME blog, commented on my blah blog posting and suggested I search for other cool blogs for inspiration and picture sources.  Which I already do but his suggestion of searching on Tumblr is what really helped. 

So I though I would share a few of my findings and the some of the other blogs I follow too.

Now if I can just figure out how to "repost"..., great pics which seem to be all reader submitted. 

(Source: cool random things... pictures of all sort of workspaces, very inspiring...

 And now a few of my very favorites... my clever friend's design blog.:)  You've got to check it out. my very disciplined, organic and talented friend's food blog, even if you don't plan on going organic you have to appreciate her photography skills.

and last but not least, my inspiration for this post... newly started blog with lots of fun, edgy, random stuff


 Happy Monday!



