absolutely amazing

I am pretty old school when it comes to technology.  When I read, I like to touch the paper pages and when I write, I like to hold a pen.  But this, this is just amazing and it makes me thankful for all of that technology I sometimes feel like we don't need.

My mom sent me this email:

I know you were a semi-willing tourist when we forced you to go to Italy instead of beach week when you graduated from high school, but I think you enjoyed parts of it...  (at least the gelato)  Anyway, you can take a mini-vacation to Florence and see the Uffizi again (and other art museums) at the googleartproject.com

check out this introduction to this amazing resource...

How cool is that?

There is nothing like seeing these amazing works in person but we can't all be so lucky.  And even if we are we are never allowed this close.:)
