like dreamers do

A little more inspiration from Dwell Magazine, thanks to all my time on the beach last week...

Some excerpts from the letter Like Dreamers Do, written by Dwell Editor-in-Chief Sam Grawe.


Many of us stockpile these dreams for years, cataloging and filing them away for later.  Some of our heads are so full of them that it's hard to believe there is enough room to fit them all. If space does become a concern, one of the best places to store a dream is in reality.  Once your dream has been realized, it is technically no longer your dream, but it may serve as inspiration for other people's dreams, in which case it is still something of a dream.  There is something of a dream in most everything around us.

Lest this process simply sound like a minor issue of storage, it should be known that transforming a thought from it's dream state into a reality state is not always a simple task.  For some of us it is very difficult indeed --- much more than renting a temperature controlled storage space.  For many people few dreams ever cross over into reality --- unless they are the kind that involve three beef tacos or new-car smell.


Happy Friday, lets go make those dreams into a reality...