street writer

So my "love" from yesterday- the wild at heart masking tape graffiti got me a little curious about what other great street graphics are out there.

And WOW is there a lot of great stuff out there. I found this street artist Eine while Googling Mexican street art because I was looking for something bright and colorful and although Eine's work is not Mexican it certainly satisfies my requirement for bright.

Eine is known for his thoughtful typographical pieces, I think I like his circus font like this vandals piece the best, it seems the most unusual. Okay maybe it's a tie between the circus font and the sort of Mexican looking ones (See "enjoy" and "incontrol" later)- I guess I'm kind of biased there.

Some of the work seem to hold more meaning than others but for the most part they are all positive or thought provoking in some way- not just a tag.  And from what I understand the majority if not all of the works are actually commissioned or at least the property owners gave the artist permission to paint.

A couple commissioned this (above) painting on the side of their California home- which is huge- it looks like they probably have some money available for a "great adventure".  I do love the sentiment.  If I was going to have words painted on the side of my house what would they be???  hmmm....  It's almost like getting a tattoo.

When I saw this "change" I though it was something to do with the Obama campaign but thank God it has a deeper meaning (I hate to get into politics).  Change was a piece commissioned by a family who's son was knifed and killed on this street.  This message is to raise awareness and to change young people's attitudes towards carrying knives.

Some of the messages don't have as poignant of a meaning but they are still beautiful.

Oh, and now that I'm getting into reading about Eine it looks like some of these are not welcomed pieces. But hey, rules are meant to be broken right?



 This is what Eine aka Ben Flynn is most famous for, alphabet street on Middlesex street in London.  It took him 3 months to paint all 26 letters but almost a year for Jessica Tibbles from Electric Blue gallery to secure permission from all 26 shop owners, 8 were hold outs but once they saw how cool the installation was they caved.

I love this one (below) it was commissioned by a South African wine company, Wibbly, Wobbly Wine, Eine saw the wine towers and knew just what to write.  Not sure if you can read but they say; FAIR, SPONTANEOUS, PASSIONATE, CHANGE THE WORLD AND CELEBRATE.  Wibbly, Wobbly went on to use this on their wine labels.

And I think this is my favorite, mostly for the message not for the aesthetic, DREAMING OF CHANGE AND GREAT ADVENTURE.  I guess that's just how I feel these days.

Read more about Eine and his painting adventures on his website Einesigns.