the end:(

So can you believe that this is sort of the last weekend of summer?  Of course it won't be officially fall until the Fall Equinox on September 22nd (I did have to look up that little factoid for you- I could care less if it's "officially fall" or not).  But the pool will be closed and the kids go back to school and football has already started- summer is pretty much done-zo. 

But we still have this glorious holiday weekend!  I will be traveling for a wedding but I hope you will be on the water somewhere partying it up. 

For a little inspiration you must watch this Vooray video Jeremy showed me.  I sooo want to do this and I want some fun, wild, balls-to-the-wall friends like this- if you know any please feel free to introduce us (no offense friends that are not wild people- I love and need you too!).

I hope you get out there and really enjoy this weekend- whether it's being wild or relaxing, make yourself smile- life is way too short not to. :)

Oh and if this video didn't make you smile and wish you were 19 years old again, you can try this mood booster which a new reader who has a cute little blog called the sunny side up (love the name) shared with me yesterday.  And it's related to yesterdays blog post- check out this mood booster.

Happy Friday people!!!!